Philip Thomas
Lead Pastor

Pastor Philip has been preaching and teaching the word of God for more than 30 years in various settings. His teaching topics include marriage, parenting, money management, understanding worldviews and culture, small group ministry, worship ministry, and building the local church. On Sunday mornings in the church, he preaches through the scriptures, focusing on the practical application of Biblical principles for personal and corporate discipleship. Pastor Philip is pursuing a doctorate (Ph.D.) in Christian Leadership at Liberty University with a research focus on discipleship and leadership development in multicultural churches. 

Ryan Houchens
AV & Worship Leader

Ryan grew up in Southern California, moved to the Midwest, spent a few years in Oregon, and finally made it out to North Carolina. He has been a worship leader, music director, and involved in tech and sound for 15+ years at various churches. He has also been active in various ministries, including prison ministry and reaching kids through free concerts and events. Ryan has three children: Liam, Aidan, and Liana. 

Ministry Leaders & Coordinators

Pastor Philip Thomas, Pastor Art Webb, Carolyn Webb, Mike Lanier, and John Peter Nagavelu serve on the church board. Bridget Henry serves as the Director of the school, New Life Christian Academy. Carolyn Webb serves as the Director of the daycare, New Life Child Development Center

Jejee Thomas leads the Daily Bible Reading Group and coordinates several church activities. John Peter Nagavelu leads the Men's Fellowship meetings and coordinates the Sunday morning greeters. Manju Jacob leads the Women's Prayer meetings on Monday nights. Hannah Albert leads the Nursery and Sunday School ministry. Zac Jacob coordinates social activities, including Family Night and Game Night, along with Chad and Vidhya Greene, who also coordinate the church's outdoor activities. Ed and Sarah Bolme coordinate the church's community service opportunities and ministry of helps.