I have been worsking professionally in churches for well over 30 years. I have seen a lot of struggle over sad issues. I came across something I posted on Facebook quite a few years ago. It's sort of a joke, but is exactly what I've experienced leading music in many churches:
After listening carefully over the past several years, we believe we have finally determined what those who attend our church really want in music. Following are the items that come up most frequently whenever this topic is discussed.
- More fast songs in the opening praise time and more slow songs in the opening praise time.
- More of those wonderful, lovely old hymns and less of those stupid, dead old hymns.
- A longer and shorter time of praise at the beginning of the service and a shorter and longer time at the end.
- Songs that flow quickly into each other and long periods of time between songs for reflection.
- More repetition of songs so they can be learned and meditated upon while singing, and less repetition of songs because it gets boring singing the same thing over and over.
- More of those lovely arrangements with extra insturments and less of those showy arrangements with all those instruments.
- To sing the good old songs more often and to stop singing those same old songs.
- Songs to be sung in higher and lower keys.
- The band to play in the middle of the platform where they can be seen, behind the plants where they won't be a distraction, louder, softer, faster, slower, more often, and not at all.
Now to be clear, this has not been a real issue in our church, although some of these have been expressed to me over the last year. Music is deeply personal and very preferential. I only share this as a reminder that WORSHIP is about our hearts... not the particular songs or styles used in singing. I have learned to worship God in extremely liturgical churches AND in highly modern churches. I certainly have preferences, but my worship is about my position with Yahweh. I pray that this will never be a stumbling block at New Life and that you will allow the music we do to usher you into the presence of God!
My Redeemer Lives
Come Thou Fount
Lord I Need You
Way Maker
...and we are learning