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For the next few weeks, I want to focus on aspects of worship. I talked about singing in the very first post. Now I want to look at some other aspects. The reason is because in the modern, evangelical, American church, singing is about the only thing we do. Because of that, we miss out on connecting with Yahweh in so many ways that He gave us. 

The first one I want to do is best illustrated in this passage that has been running around in my head all day, Psalm 65:6-7.

"Come let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our God, our Maker. For He is our God and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand." 

(I've linked a Maranatha song that I remember singing in church when I was in elementary school. It is why I have this verse memorized.)

Think about what this verse is calling us to do. The word translated "worship" is a Hebrew word meaning "to bow or prostrate." Then we are told to "bow down", which is a different Hebrew word that means "to bend, kneel, or bow." Finally, we are told to "kneel", which is a third Hebrew word which means "to kneel or bless." 

So, we are are called and commanded to bow, prostrate, bend,  and kneel before the Lord. Why? He is our Elohim, and we are His sheep, His flock. He is our master, and we are His favored possession. 

There is a physicality to worship that cannot be missed or mistaken in Scripture. It is declared in the First Testament and repeated in the New Testament. Many of the words we translate as worship have to do with bowing, kneeling, and prostrating.

So why don't we do this in worship? When we come to church, why don't we see people regularly bowing before the Lord, falling on their faces, or kneeling in worship? It was a regular part of the worship of Israel, it was a consistent part of the worship of the early church, and it will be a part of the worship in heaven. Why don't we? You want to know what I think?

I think it's because, if we're really honest, in the deepest part of our souls, we don't believe we need to. 

Bowing or prostrating yourself before another is a way of saying that they are much greater, much higher, than you. It is a physical way of showing your humble position, and a way of expressing gratitude. I just don't think that most of us really see God as that much higher than us. We don't think we have that much to be thankful for. Equality is baked into our culture, and it has found its way into our churches.

"But Josh, I know that God is greater than me. I know what He did for me." I know we know it. We just don't show it. Think about this: If Jesus showed up at church on Sunday, how would you respond? If your answer isn't what happened to John in Revelation 1, then you're wrong. We have spent a lot of years expressing this, "I am a friend of God", buddy Jesus version of Christ and the result is that we treat Him as an equal. HE IS THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE!!! Yes, He calls us His friends, but HE IS GOD! I know that I will fall on my face before Him in gratefulness and worship...and then He will raise me up and embrace me.

We are called to worship God with all our senses. I challenge you to take what you say you believe about God and put it into action in your body. Bow your head. Kneel at your chair. Prostrate yourself in the aisle where you're seated. There is nothing special about the stage. The steps in front are no more holy than any other part of the room. God is everywhere. Give it a try. I promise you that it will open a door in your worship you may have never experienced.

How do I know? Because God says so!


You Are Good

Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King

Holy Spirit

Worthy Of It All

Still God, Still Good

...and we are learning

Here Waiting