I knew that communion was sacred and important. I just didn’t really know why. I would try to be on my best behavior, to be very holy on the Sundays when I would partake in communion. The next day, I would go right back to being myself. Communion was a religious ritual for me.
Even though I grew up in the church, it took me a while to understand that when Adam & Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, the curses, sickness, failures, anxiety, and pain that are a result of sin fell upon all human beings. God gave commandments and laws to point human beings to himself, but no human being could follow those commandments and laws. There was nothing that human beings could do on their own to appease God. Thanks be to God that he provided a way out! God came into the world as a man, Jesus, to die for our sins, to pay the penalty of sin, so that anyone who believes in him could be forgiven for their sins and have eternal life with God. Jesus' blood satisfied the wrath of God and forgave our sins completely.
When we partake in communion by eating the bread that represents Jesus' body and drink from the cup that represents Jesus' blood, we recognize and declare that Jesus is the answer for every need and every question. When we partake in communion, we recognize and declare that we have been redeemed, bought with the precious blood of Jesus. We are made his children, our sins are forgiven, our curses are broken, and we are healed by his stripes. We now possess all the promises given by God through Jesus. We have a new life with peace, joy, and blessings through our Lord Jesus.
Communion is now deeply meaningful for me. It is a wonderful opportunity to fellowship with God and with God’s children. It is a wonderful reminder of what Jesus did for me in the past on the cross. It is an encouragement to walk with God and obey his word in the present. And, it provides me with a glorious hope for the future that Jesus will return just as he promised and I will be joined with him for eternity!