Every week on Wednesday, I want to give you the songs for the coming Sunday, a link to a version of that song, and a devotional thought based on one of the songs. It’s my hope that you will listen to the music and meditate on what the Holy Spirit might say to you through it. I will also be sharing new (to you) music that we will be learning so you can be listening to that.
Today, I want to share a word about worship through singing. Many years ago, I was listening to a radio preacher who said something that absolutely rocked my world:
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that angels sing.
I thought, “That can’t be true!” I mean, I grew up with “Angels we have heard on high, sweetly singing oe’r the plains” and “…and the whole world in silence lay to hear the angles sing.” I couldn’t believe it! So, I went to the Bible and started looking. Go do it yourself. Every time angels are mentioned giving worship to God, it says they do it saying…”And suddenly they were surrounded by a great cloud of the heavenly hosts praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest.’” I was gobsmacked!
Now that’s an interesting tidbit, but what does it mean for us? Everything praises God, but it seems that humanity is given the special privilege of praising God through SINGING! Think about that…in all of creation; the trillions of insects, the gazillions of stars and planets, the quintillions of microscopic organisms, not to mention the grass and trees and animals and all the heavenly host; in all of that, the tiny people called humans are given the privilege and responsibility of lifting up worship to the Almighty God in song.
What that means for you is that when we gather for corporate worship and sing, we have a unique privilege to sing praise to the Lord. DON’T WASTE IT!
“But I don’t sing well.” Who cares? Sing anyway. Don’t waste that privilege from the Lord!
“But I don’t know the song.” Who cares? It’s not the words that matter anyway, it’s your heart, so sing the best you can!
“But I don’t feel like it.” Do you know how often the Bible commands us to do things in spite of our feelings? Plus, my experience has been that singing praise to the Lord, more than anything else, has a way of reorienting my heart and feelings. So SING!
And then throughout the week, sing to the Lord. Join all of creation using that special gift that God gave us!
This coming Sunday, 19 FEB, we will be doing the following songs…
The Stand
Days of Elijah
The Wonderful Cross
King of Kings
…and we are learning:
Come Alive
In His bonds,