“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”—MATTHEW 11:28 (NIV)
Sometimes our bodies, minds, and schedules are just doing too much. And honestly, who can blame us? There’s a lot you can’t simply pause—work deadlines, people depending on you, and that endless list of chores (seriously, when will the dishwasher fairy show up?).
You might not be able to set it all down, and certainly not all at once, but is there something you can let go of for a night? Or maybe for the next 10 minutes?
And those unsolvable problems you’ve been trying to carry—like single-handedly reversing climate change, curing cancer, or acting as someone’s unpaid therapist—the things that keep you circling, like a buffering icon that never loads.
Could you set those down, even for a little? Maybe tonight you could give yourself a little permission to not have to do it all. Sink into what rest you can, little by little. You deserve it.
Blessing for deep tiredness
May rest open itself to you,
a little pocket of quiet,
because your strength is running on empty.
May you be sheltered from every fear,
whether it’s creeping up behind you
or what your imagination keeps inventing.
May your hummingbird heart slow—
just enough to catch its breath.
May any storm be turned aside,
leaving this quiet place untouched—
In a quiet so impossibly soft,
may you feel held—
not by perfection,
not by productivity,
but simply that you are enough,
just as you are.
© KateBowler.com