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I was looking for inspiration for this week's song, and I came across this...

...which led me to do a pirate-themed song for Proverbs 12:15:

It is likely that you can think of many examples in your life that illustrate this verse. A great discussion you can have with your students is, "Who do the wise listen to?" Your students' lives are packed with people who will tell them what to do: celebrities, politicians, social media influencers, friends, family, the church, the Bible, you, etc. Discerning what is right among all that noise can be challenging. A great illustration is found in the Bible in 1 Kings 12. Briefly, Solomon has died and Rehoboam is now king of Israel. It has been a hard reign under Solomon and the people ask Rehoboam for relief. If he will do this, they will serve him gladly. Rehoboam says he wants to consult his advisors. He asks the older men, the advisors to his father, and then he asks the men his own age, his friends. They both give him opposite advice. Go read it with your student, see what they advise and what happens. Ask them what we can learn from this event.

What I taught my own children is that wisdom comes from discerning what God is saying through the Bible, Prayer, Circumstances, and the church (the wisdom of godly people). When those things line up, you can be fairly confident of God's wisdom.