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We're kicking off the New Year with the last in the series teaching a way of sharing the gospel. Let me do that and then share one point at the end. The previous five points are:

God created us to have a relationship with Him (Gen. 1-2).

Our sins separate up from God (Gen. 3).

Sins cannot be removed by good deeds (Gen. 4 - Malachi).

Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again (Matthew - John).

Everyone that trusts in Jesus alone will have eternal life (Acts - Jude).

...and finally:

Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever (Revelation).

The Bible promises that when you truly follow Jesus, your life changes forever. Eternal life doesn't begin when you die. It begins the day you begin following Jesus. Following Jesus begins with a one-time decision, but continues with many daily decisions to walk with Him. That walk ends with spending eternity in heaven with Jesus, the one who died for you. I made that decision to follow Him when I was 12 and have never regretted it. 

Is there anything I've shared that doesn't make sense?

And that's the whole thing. Like I did on Sunday morning, it can be shared in just a few minutes, but can spark a conversation that lasts much longer. You'll notice that the first letter of every line spealls the word "GOSPEL." All you have to do to share the story of God's plan for our salvation, the good news, is to remember "GOSPEL."

I have seen the power of having a passion for the lost and a tool to reach them. In 2004, I took over a youth ministry with 15 teens. In two years, we grew to over 100, most of whom were new converts from families who didn't attend church. How? We did what I just shared. I helped train 5 of those teens how to share their faith. They began reaching their friends and challenging the other teens. Lives were eternally changed. I know this because I still hear from some of the teens who were saved through that ministry, teens in their 30's with families of their own. 

That can be the story of New Life as well. It is great that we are bringing in people who are moving into the area and looking for a church. We want people to have a great faith family! However, if we are not ALSO reaching those who do not know Jesus, rescuing them from darkness and bringing them into the Kingdom of light, then we are not fulfilling one of God's primary purposes. SO GO GET THEM!


Glorious Day

Graves into Gardens

Holy Spirit

Run to the Father