First, a question came up about what Advent is all about. Here is a wonderful explanation:
NOW...back to Life in Six Words...
The first two steps of the GOSPEL Journey are:
God created us to have a relationship with Him.
Our sins separate us from God.
Step three is:
Sins cannot be removed by good deeds (Genesis 4-Malachi)
The rest of the Old Testament is the story of how people tried to make things right with God on their own, and how desperately they failed. The first murder was a result of this. God offered the people of Israel a relationship based on grace, and they asked for rules...rules that they never followed and could never obey.
It's like trying to swim from CA to HI. I'm not a good swimmer and I would probably make it a few hundred yards before I drowned. There are Olympic swimmers that might make it miles and miles before they drowned, but there is no one that can do it all the way. There are people on earth who are better people than others, but measured against the vast righteouness of God, we all fall short. In fact, the Bible tells us that we all sin and fall short of God's glory.
Many people today think getting into heaven is based on being more "good" than "bad". They think there will be a giant pair of scales when they die and as long as their good outweighs their bad, they're in. Almost every religion has some version of this idea. The problem is, "How good is good enough?" Do I only have to be 50.1% good? How do I know when I've reached that point? How do I know that my good isn't tainted with bad intentions? The truth is, we are never truly "good." How do I know? Let's think about just a few of the commandments God gives us.
Have you ever lied? Even a small, white lie? I think everyone would recognize that they lie...a lot. probably daily. One of the Big Ten is not to lie. We are all liars.
Have you ever stolen? Most people would say no, but think. You've never taken a pen or pencil that wasn't yours? Not a piece of paper? You've never left work early without permission? Gossip is stealing someone's reputation. You've never done that? One of the Big Ten is not to steal. We are all lying thieves.
Have you ever committed murder? "OH NO!" people cry. Jesus says if you look on someone with anger in your heart, you've committed murder in your heart. Gossip applies here as well. It is a way to kill someone without touching them. Where are you now? One of the Big Ten is not to murder. We are all lying thieving murderers.
Have you ever committed adultery? Jesus says if you look on another person with lust in your heart, you've committed adultery. Pornography? Tic Tok? Instagram? Looking at people in the gym. Ouch! One of the Big Ten is not to commit adultery. We are all lying thieving mrdering adulterers.
That's just four of the Big Ten. There are six more commandments...and hundreds more after that. I have broken or do break most of them. I am not good. My good will never outweigh my bad.
I cannot remove my own sins, so I cannot have a relationship with God. That's bad news, but there's good news coming next week!
King of Kings
In Christ Alone
O Come All Ye Faithful
...and we are learning
Hope has Come