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The memory verse for this coming Sunday is James 1:5. We are learning the song from Seeds Family Worship. I HIGHLY recommend this ministry for your teens and children. The music is well done and it is a great way to teach the Bible to your students. Just a quick story:

I was talking to Mikey a few weeks ago while he was at Basic Training. He was talking about something that had happened and how anxious he was about what was going on. I aksed, "What does the Bible say about that?"


"Philippians 4:6-7...what does it say?"

"Oh...(and he sings) Do not be anxious about anything but in everything with prayer and petition present your requests to God, and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus."

"Have you prayed, petitioned, and presented your request to God?

"Not yet, but I will as soon as we get off."

"Would you like me to pray now?"


So we prayed together, and then he prayed on his own later. How did he know that verse? Because he learned it as a child singing it from Seeds Family Worship. Those seeds we planted over 15 years ago are bearing fruit even today. Here is the link for this week's song:

This is one of the few places in the Bible where we are told that if we pray, we will always get a "YES." God always answers prayer, but if you ask for wisdom, He will always grant it. What an amazing promise!