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On 16 February, Pastor Philip preached on Biblical hospitality. It was a really interesting take on a very challenging passage. I wanted to put a real life spin on it.

At the end of Acts 2, we have a passage that describes how the early followers of Jesus "had all things in common" and how they "sold their possessions and goods" and distributed them as people had need. Up until these past two months, I thought that meant they sold everything and pooled their resources, but I'm not so sure anymore. Based on my experience the last two months, I think it's more likely that the people in that early gathering of believers just saw their possessions as God's for His use, and sold what was needed to provide for those in need. Why?

Because that's exactly what happened for Marilyn and I the last several weeks.

We had a real financial need. I could have borrowed money to cover it, but that is not really God's way. I could have created a GoFundMe, but I didn't feel led to do that. I just was honest about the need and left it at that. People chose to respond as they felt led, and through the hands and resources of the body of Christ, our needs have been met. Most of the people who gave are from New Life, although people from all over the US have provided. Some of them I haven't spoken to in years, but had an impact on in the past. We still have a few days left before I get my first paycheck, but I have no doubt of God's provision.

That is hospitality...meeting real needs in real time. We can certainly pray, but prayer should always be connected to tangible action. It's so easy to write "I'm praying," or put a praying hands emoji, or heart a post, or whatever. I wanted people's prayers, but I can't send prayers to Duke Power for our electric bill. We needed tangible help. I've gotten in the habit of telling people I will pray, but asking if there is something specific they need. I did this on Sunday for a friend in the NC Guard. I was her chaplain and her husband died suddenly. She didn't need anything, but she appreciated the thought. That is hospitality!

I want to thank everyone at New Life who prayed AND those who provided financially. Marilyn and I have been in the position over the last few years to give generously and we will be again. For this brief period, we had the blessing of being blessed. Thank you for being a hospitable congregation!


Just Because

Yes and Amen


Worthy of it All