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Tomorrow is the 80th anniversary of D-Day, one of the largest and most audacious military operations in history. Nearly 4,500 people died that day, and another 5,000 were wounded. It was one of the bloodiest single days in all of WWII. The Germans had years to prepare fortifications, and they didn’t waste it. It was only because of the absolute determination of the invasion force that allowed the Allies to be victorious. If you haven’t watched anything about that day recently, here are a few of my “favorites” (content warning... they are intense):

Saving Private Ryan: (I remember watching this the first time and thinking, "I cannot believe actual people did this.")

Band of Brothers: (the airborne jump)

As important as defeating the Nazis was, though, we must remember that our freedom on earth is not nearly as important as our freedom in Christ. I am a citizen of heaven first, foremost, and always. I love this country, but I love my Lord more. Since Jesus’ resurrection, more than 70 million Christians have died for their faith. More Christians were martyred in the 20th century than in the 1900 years previous combined.

Worship is not about singing. It’s about living a life that points to Christ. As a Soldier, I think about those people on D-Day who walked into a hail of bullets to free countries they had never visited and people they had never met. Would I do that? The truth is, I volunteered to serve the nation and have been to war. It was nothing like D-Day, but I was ready to die for my country if necessary.

As a follower of Jesus, I think about the millions who have died in horrible ways rather than deny their Lord. Would I do that? In Afghanistan, I was told I was #1 on the high value target list because I was a Christian and a chaplain. I was prepared to die for my faith at the hands of the Taliban if necessary.

Thankfully, I never had to do that. God has called me, and all of us, to the much harder work of LIVING for the Gospel. I have a piece of stone from the catacombs under Rome where many martyrs were buried. I carry it with me and think about that great cloud of witnesses watching me run the race of faith. Am I living up to their example? Am I living in such a way that people will see my good deeds and praise my Father in heaven? May we all be found faithful!


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and we are learning...

Yet Not I but Christ in Me